May 10, 2004
Dear Friends,
Thank you all for your letters and emails. It is good to hear from you whenever you write.
We are now firmly back in Sri Lanka, having arrived here last Saturday,
hence we are back to the previous email address (sorry to confuse your
address book!). Term began today, it's good to see the students back again
and hear of their experiences doing fieldwork with the various churches we
sent them to. The children don't return to school until June 3rd, needless
to say they weren't too enthusiastic about returning to Sri Lanka, I guess they
think that now there is not so much reason to be here.
As regards news of the college, Joel who was working in the office doing errands
etc, has left to persue his studies and yesterday our librarian left for
personal reasons. So need to find replacements for them.
On a more positive note, Satyendra (who studied under Charles and is just
finishing his BTh) spoke to me yesterday about coming for a year to teach
fulltime before going for further studies and he hopes to bring his family
to Trinco too!! This would be great, it will give Alexander, who is coming
out from Scotland (I think, in August!) a chance to settle in and learn more
Tamil before having to take on a full teaching load. Also Satyendra's wife
is quite competant in computers, type-setting etc, so she could help us a lot.
The Lord is gradully showing his
way ahead and we are so thankful and sense the privilege of being led by the
Lord in His work.
Thank you so much for your fellowship,
Yours in Christ,