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of Faith


April 26, 2000 - Elephant Pass, Celebrating the Resurrection

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April 26, 2000

Dear Friends,

On Saturday the strategic Elephant Pass fell to the LTTE. This can be good news or bad news depending on the individual's viewpoint, but whatever your persuasion, it is decisive, and probably means some major changes to the surrounding areas are imminent. Already Trinco is surrounded by refugee camps, are we going to see more coming up? Those in authority need wisdom. Peace seems along way away!

Easter has not been sad for everyone, Sathyendra phoned with much joy this morning. He is a lay worker in charge of the Tamil congregation at the (Anglican) Church of the Good Shepherd in Colombo and throughout the last term he has been traveling to Colombo each weekend to preach. Overtime he has noticed that the congregation has become more appreciative and he has had more clarity in his teaching. People have become more interested, asking more questions, the numbers have grown with some asking for Bible studies. Sathyendra sees that his teaching ministry has been strengthened through his studies at Baldaeus. At the Good Friday service, when Newton preached, the numbers were double the previous year and there was a big turn out of the Tamil congregation at the combined service with the English congregation on Easter Sunday. Previously these two congregations have kept their distance but now there seems to be a growing warmth between them. Perry Brohier, the minister, is appreciative of the training Sathyendra is getting from BTC, and infact the church is now considered orthodox such that visiting preachers who usually give pluralistic sermons, are now constrained to tow the line and preach salvation by Christ alone! Please pray for Sathyendra and his continued ministry in this church and his studies at BTC.

Nepoleon still has not secured accommodation here in Trinco. The house in Orr's Hill was considered not suitable due to the distance and the amount of work needing to be done on it. Nepoleon is moving with his family this coming Saturday, he will stay in the hostel until we find another place.

Newton will be teaching for the first time this term. It is quite a challenge for him but one that he is excited about and looking to the Lord to enable him to accomplish.

Jeyathees, who helped us alot, in the first few months, has just gone to Singapore to work for a couple of years. It will be quite an adjustment from life in Trinco!

Thank you for your prayers,


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